Thursday, April 28, 2005

It's so hard to say goodbye

It's been several days since my last post. See the pictures below for the reason why. I'm moving. Look at all those sad sad boxes. That's four years of Upper West Side life packed away. I'm moving to Brooklyn. Now, many of you think that because Brooklyn is the "hip" place to be, it seems like the last place you would find me. I mean, I abhor trends. But I have to say there really is something about Brooklyn, that just feels...I don't know. It just feels nice. I'll write more about what that certain "je ne sais quoi" is later. But I just felt like taking a packing break and update the blog.

Excitement hasn't kicked in yet, but I think once I get all my stuff into the new apartment and start rebuilding my home, excitement will abound.

Also to come: I've been doing lots of decorating and design research and found lots of really great cool sites. So I'll list those when I have more time.

Movin' Movin'1

Thursday, April 21, 2005

Yet Another Reason Why I Love and Hate Asian People

If you've been to an arcade lately, you're likely to see a young sweat-soaked-spikey-haired asian youth rockin' out on the Dance Dance Revolution dance pad. But what you won't likely see is a similar youth rockin'out whilst juggling three bowling pins. This movie clip is awesome. Who ever this kid is: Keep on Keepin' on!

click on the image to view clip

I first saw this on

Wednesday, April 20, 2005

Video Games Make Me Sick...literally

I have just experienced my very first video game induced vomitting. I just got my copy of Tim Schafer's newest game "Psychonauts" on Xbox. 2 hours of 360 degrees of simulated environments with a shakey cam and a stomach full of Peruvian food conspire to make Junie's tummy very sick. I mustered the strength to get to a good spot to save the game and then ran the bathroom and...well, you know how it goes:
Girl buys game. Girl plays game. Game makes girl's head spin. Spinning makes vomit come flying out. Girl gets toiletwater splash back on her hair.

A tale as old as time.

Tuesday, April 19, 2005

Victory is Ours

Look above this post and you will see the fruits of my loins. Finally the XSPF Web Media Player is working and playing my playlist. There are only four songs on there right now, but when I have more time I'll make a more impressive mix. Thanks to everyone, especially Nate K. for helping me get this up. It was really easy to do. See the posting from a few day ago to see what programs I used to get this running.

So enjoy some music while you read.

Thursday, April 14, 2005

There's a Strange British Man in my Head...and I kinda like it

This photo was hastily made to recreate a portion of a dream I had last night. I was taking a pilates class and saw Alan Rickman doing reps right next to me. We started chit-chatting about movies, books, and even the architectural styles of our respective childhood homes. Needless to say this was all very bizarre and unlikely. Especially the part about me doing a pilates class. I mean, come on...pilates?

sweet dreams,
June & Alan

Saturday, April 09, 2005

Wisdom Teeth ... No More

Originally uploaded by junesung.
Had my two top wisdom teeth extracted this afternoon. It was a complete success and there is no swelling or pain now. But I guess I should still avoid blow jobs this weekend.

Thursday, April 07, 2005

Calling All Nerds!

So, I've been spending the past few days trying to juice up the site by adding an embeded music player. This would be a sort of "thank you" for spending your time with me. But I can't for the life of me get the thing to work. So here is my plea:

Help me get it to work!!

I'm using this xspf media player . And so far:

-Uploaded the media player (xspf_player_slim.swf ) onto my server,
-Uploaded the mp3s that I want onto my server
-Created a playlist file using the .xspf coding format
-Put the code for the player and playlist onto my site.

I see the little flash music player on the site, but when I click "play", it says "loading music" and then "undefined".
Every time i see "undefined", I die a little.

if you have any ideas, let me know. You're the best, whoever you may be.

Tuesday, April 05, 2005

I never knew I could fall in love with a number...but I did

This is too good be true. But, Sweet Jesus, it is true!
There is already a huge line up outside of Grauman's Chinese Theater in L.A. for the highly anticipated, and what is sure to be a painfully dissapointing, final installment of the Star Wars trilogy. And the Mo Fo's not opening for another 45 days!!!

But for those of you who need something to keep yourselves sane while waiting for Lucas' Tour-de-Poop, you can call the payphone that sits right outside the theater. And someone will pick up. I called this afternoon and spoke to a lovely gentleman who told me that he had been waiting since Saturday. There's also a website that has a webcam, so maybe you can see who picks up the phone when you call.

This single phone call made my whole day. I suggest you call right away!

(323) 462-9609

iTunes Phone Premiere!

iTunes Phone Premiere!
Originally uploaded by junesung.
Yo, This Shit is HOT. (insert sizzling sound)

For the scoop on the premiere of the latest incarnation of the iTunes: Check it!

Sunday, April 03, 2005

Can Someone get the Jaws of Life...Cause My World Is Crushed

Frank Iero (see photo below) is apparently engaged, maybe even married. The boy's only 23. A boy after my own heart. For those of you who know me, or have known me for the past 5 days of my obsession, this is a major blow. Me want to cry...

donation to EFJH (Equity Fights June's Heartache) will be gladly accepted.

Friday, April 01, 2005

junsung vs. junesung = bloodshed!!!!!

Elise has brought to our attention that there is an imposter amongst us. Yes, apparently there is a What's really sad is that this junesung wannabe has gone beyond bastardizing my name a la a canal-street "Prado" handbag and is even claiming to be asian. Can you believe that!

But what you will be glad to know is that "junsung" is a complete and utter butt-munch.
Junesung comments= 5 to Junsung comments = O

In short, can go SUCK IT!!!

Thanks to elise for saving people from the sad sad world of junsung.

Oh! Excuse me...that wasn't me. It was my brain.

Today was by far the weirdest day ...ever. At exactly, 4pm, my brain shut down and I just couldn't concentrate so I left work right away. Called my friend Dana who was also having a weird day and we decided the only remedy was to get a manicure. That sovled the problem for about 25 minutes and then it was back to feeling crazy.

Then I remember that I had tickets to see Graham Coxon at the Bowery Ballroom. After 1 1/2 lame opening bands, I bailed and didn't even see Graham play.

Now I'm back at home and obsessing over the band My Chemical Romance. Don't ask me why, cause I really can't explain it. Part of it might be that I have a crush on the guitarist. This is my first band crush since I was probably 16 years old.

Can you tell that I'm going crazy...let's see if I make it to monday.